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Joint Squads, Weymouth- Day 1

Got there early enough for a quick bite to eat before the briefing and mobility started. For the morning, we focused on starting mainly. Wind was about 15 knots coming from the North East so it was in general, pretty cold. A little bit of chop but the conditions were pretty awesome! Sorted rigs out so that they were perfect for the afternoon of racing.

Came in for lunch. Had a ham and salad baguette and a banana. Briefed again for racing in the afternoon. Alan (head coach) ran it as if it were the selections, so, I had a designated rib to go to for having help on any adjustments or to fix things and to give them my bottles, bags etc. For me, this was a process event rather than a results based one. So, it was an opportunity to sort out all my routines ready for the selections in around 6 weeks time.

So, head out. Nice conditions. Did my pre- start routine. The wind was oscillating quite slowly so it was key to get to the correct side of the race track to take the shift and then take it across to the next one.

A fun day and a great chance to get routines sorted! :)

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