Day 2 of Training at Port Zelande
Went down to the yacht club to rig boat. Surprisingly, there was hardly any wind. So, we had breaky, briefing and decided that we should do boat prep in the morning and keep an eye on the wind. I got a lot done. Complete wash of boat inside and out plus all foils. Once everything looked shiny, I replaced all my old ropes and ties on the boat which was good to do as it looks like it’s going to be a windy event. All completely set and I also leant how to splice which is a really handy skill!!
Wind filled in at about 1 or 2 pm. Tuning runs and then trained with the top Netherlands sailors and the top Finish sailors. Tight, short racing which was great fun. Then went in and got an early night, ready for the first day of racing tomorrow. Forecast is saying about 25-30 knots. Don’t know what race course we are on yet. Looking forward to it!! :)