Optisprings, Port Zelande - Day 2
Four races planned today. Wind was about 15 kts, forecast to build to low 20s at the end of the day. Got a 10, 2, 6 and a 7. Happy with that!! Today was all about going towards the pressure and getting to it first. Tighter racing today as it was not survival weather like yesterday. Thankfully, it wasn’t too windy today so my wrist was a lot better!! J Final result: 5th Overall, 3rd Girl and Top GBR boat. At the prize giving I got two really nice Optimist metal boat thing trophies (see pictures) which are really really nice!! So pleased with my results overt the last few events:
1st equal at Spring Champs, 1st Girl
7th at Braass, 3rd girl and top GBR sailor
5th at Optisprings, 3rd girl and top GBR sailor
I achieved all my targets set and I feel I am in a great place leading in to the GB Team Selection Trails in 3 weeks time in Weymouth. Can’t wait!! :)